Happy Mid-Autumn National Day! Mingcheng Electromechanical wishes you a happy holiday-holiday notice

Release Time : 2020-09-27  View Count :


It's the annual Mid-Autumn Festival in China. At this time, China has the custom of enjoying the moon and eating moon cakes for family reunion. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is different from usual because the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are also in one day. National Day is one of the most important festivals in China. There will be grand ceremonies and the same holidays as the New Year. The staff of Mingcheng will naturally have a holiday too! The holiday time is from October 1st to October 8th. Officially went to work on October 9.

Of course, there will also be dedicated employees answering your questions. If you can't get in touch for a while, don’t worry, the consultants will answer your questions as soon as possible.

Here, on behalf of all employees, this official website wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, everyone laughs; family is beautiful and households are happy; eat moon cakes, admire the moon, and the days go better; reunite and celebrate the festival, old and young laugh together.

I don't know if the mooncakes sent to you have been delivered, I hope you like them~